Tuesday 19 July 2011

Let the Frustrations Reign

So here we are, almost 3 weeks in.

I'm having the opposite problem with this post - almost too much has happened since I've been here to even know where to start. Just when I think I'm beginning to settle in and get all excited about work, something new, confusing and utterly undeciferable happens. Over and over again.

Anyone who knows me is aware I'm a tad melodramatic by nature (I get it from my momma). Thus the typical ups and downs to be expected when being plopped in the middle of a new environment are not only amplified, but multiplied. Many a time have I been so homesick I don't even know what to do with myself. Sometimes I dwell on what Mufasa must be up to right now. I'm guessing he's either tormenting the other cats, or snuggling up to someone who isn't me. You think he'll remember me when I get back?

Other days I'm overwhelmed by trying to learn Twi as fast as possible, so I know exactly what people are saying when they're clearly talking about me (right in front of me, I might add). Sometimes I get tired of constantly negotiating for lower prices, while simply enjoying the human contact. Other days I lock myself away in my room and block out the world with my blaring headphones. But most days I'm perfectly content with the bumpy, dusty roads, busy markets, extremely adorable children who oogle at me when I walk by and the couple hundred marriage proposals I get a day.

Today, I'm a little frustrated. The pace of work is so extremely slow, it feels like it has come to a complete stop. No exaggeration, I spent the entire day today, sitting, smiling, sitting and then sitting some more. I've been in the official office a grand total of maybe 3 times, for about 15 minutes each. Not that I'm complaining, the office is crammed, loud and hot! But I'm a little confused about what I'm supposed to be doing here. I'm going to make an effort to clarify things with my boss, while being patient, diplomatic and reasonable. This is a bit of challenge sometimes. We've been helping another volunteer with her program: training french teachers. So I've just been sitting from 9-3 every day listening to french, getting increasingly hungry and wondering if tomorrow will be any different.

On a more positive note, I think I may have found a nice little place to live with a fellow volunteer from Canada. She's a little closer to my age, a lot of fun and easy to talk to. The place is fully furnished and even has running water, a kitchen and a bathroom! I really love the staff here at the hotel, but I can't wait to have a place of my own and get settled.

I've made a ton of observations since of been here, but one is the physicality of friendships. It's quite different than in Canada. Once someone has decided you're their close friend, you will be grabbed by the arm more often than you may be used to or your hand will be held for a long period of time. Its refreshing to see, men often walk hand in hand, arm in arm, sit on eachothers laps, or lean on eachothers legs. It's a sign of friendship and not at all homosexual. Also I've noticed that its very important to watch what you say here, because it can be seen as a sort of oral contract. It's no good to go back on your word, even if you're just saying it to appease someone in the moment. Not only are greetings a big thing here, but titles such as Aunty/Uncle or Momma/Poppa are gained when relationships grow. This has nothing to do with age or seniority, but how you relate to eachother. My boss has earned the Aunty title after waiting with me in the hospital for about 4 hours after a little malaria scare. Turns out I'm fine! One of the cooks here calls me Aunty Rasheeda, I have no idea what I've done to earn that title, but in return I call her Momma Rita (since she cooks and serves all my meals). I certainly have a lot to learn and am taking it in slowly.

All in all, this has certainly been an experience. I know there's still so much to come and I'm excited to see what this country and it's wonderful people have to offer. I've had the chance to go out partying once and it was a blast! I hope to visit the beach, check out some botanical gardens and see more animals. Oh - I saw a monkey for the first time today. It was wearing a shirt.

I'm out of interesting things to talk about for now. But in a couple weeks time I'll hopefully have moved in to my new place and have a better idea of what my role is at work.

Love, love, love to all of you who have taken the time to read this and keep in touch with me. It helps to fight the boredom and occaisonal loneliness away!

Til next time,


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