Friday 9 September 2011

So This Is Cultural Fatigue?

I'm pretty tired.

I'm tired of the constant noise..workers milling about, building things, breaking things
I'm tired of feeling like a prisoner in my own home..sneaking about, peeing quietly, pretending I'm not in
I'm tired of uninvited guests..painted smiles, offers of water, a seat
I'm tired of, I said DON'T come over, not please come as soon as possible
I'm tired of being told to go to the hospital..a runny nose and a cough is not worth the $50 visit
I'm tired of the looks..from women, disdain..from men, fantasy..from children, fear
I'm tired of the whispers..we may not speak the same language, but gossip is everywhere
I'm tired of judgement..made to feel that the colour of my skin means I should be treated differently
I'm tired of my role..not only am I young, but I'm a woman, my voice is barely heard
I'm tired of negotiating, I'm not your girlfriend, nope I'm not in love, yes we're JUST friends
I'm tired.
I'm tired of being a target, tired of being a dollar sign, tired of being an outsider..

Guess I should get some rest.


  1. Hey Rasheeda! I've really enjoyed reading your blog. Sorry to hear about the terrorizing spider and the plumbers cracks... yikes!

    I have only been in Guyana for a short time and many things are still so new so I haven't reached the tired stage that you were at when you wrote this. I hope you have had the physical rest that you need as well as the mental rest.

    I know that you will be writing more love letters (about your friend who are just friends) soon. Keep at it!

  2. Hi Rasheeda,

    I am currently writing a book called 'The Resilient Traveler', which focuses on how individuals can become resilient travelers and expats.
    I have spent over 9 years living as an expat in South Korea, Papua New Guinea, and Kuwait.
    After reading through your blog, I would love to interview you for my new book as well.
    In return you would receive free advertising for your blog.
    Please feel free to email me back at
    I would love to hear from you.

    Kind regards,

    Olivia Bell.
