Wednesday 31 August 2011

My Love Letter To Ghana

Dear Ghana,

You're incredible!
I know we barely know eachother, but you've truly taken over my imagination. Stolen my heart. It's hard to believe we just met. I really, really like you.
I like your sense of humour - you definitely make me laugh! And I'm intrigued by you. I know there's so much more to you than you let on. Your history, your experiences, your scars. They make you who you are, you know.
And you're beautiful.
I'd love to get to know you better. Explore you. Get to know your peaks and valleys if you know what I mean ;) Kidding!
But seriously though, I really appreciate everything you've done for me. Given me some perspective. I needed it. I feel so connected with you, and yet at the same time I feel so inconsequential. I mean, I'm just one person and you deserve the world.
I'll try not to ask much of you; I just ask that you accept me as I am and invest in the person I have potential to be. That's all.
Anywho, this is getting long and way too serious! Just know that I'll never be the same since I've met you..and I hope you don't mind having me around either.
You're an adventure I'd love to take on!

Yours Truly,


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