Friday 19 August 2011

One Minute Update

For all those tired of long pretentious rants, I have just the post for you. My One Minute Update!

Here goes:

Whoever told me Ghanaians are soft spoken was utterly WRONG. They are very loud, very expressive, very emotional and very social.
I've had more marriage proposals than I can count. "Marry me Oburuni," is how it usually goes. Followed by, "Take me to Canada!" Hmmmmmmm....nope....okay, maybe.
Some people really enjoy eating cat here. It's alright Mufasa, I'm not going to try it.
Strangers ask to take pictures with me. I think I look like a Ghanaian celebrity of some sort.
People really don't understand how I could possibly named Rasheeda and come from Canada.
Bats fly during the day! Hundreds of them in downtown Accra. Super cool!
My boss bought me a bra. Awww, how sweet.
The beach is absolutely stunning at night. The view from the mountains is breathtaking.
People much prefer to carry items on their heads than in their hands.
Making friends is easy, making lasting friendships - a lot harder (its the same anywhere)
I'm learning how to handwash my laundry.
Plumbers' cracks and hating Mondays are universal.
And last, but certainly not least - an evil terrorizing spider took residence in my room last week. Without a doubt the scariest thing I ever went through was sleeping with this monster in my room. Check it out....

'Til next time,

Nante yie

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! Sorry the bubble was burst about Ghanaians not being soft spoken. I thought of mentioning this at the CIL training in Toronto, but figured that you would discover the truth soon enough ;)
